Dear Doctor: I have had Gastric Bypass surgery and after my weight loss I now have lots of excess skin in my stomach area. What can you do to help?
Dear Reader: Abdominoplasty or the “tummy tuck” operation is a plastic surgical procedure designed to improve the waistline and lower abdomen. I have personally performed this type of surgery many times with great outcomes. Like liposuction, however, abdominoplasty is not a short cut to weight loss and generally is most successful in those without generalized obesity. Abdominoplasty best treats patients who have good nutritional habits, good fitness habits, and a localized area of excessive abdominal skin and fat. From your description it sounds as though you might be a good candidate for this surgery. After surgery it would be important for you to consult with a professional about maintaining your new figure in a healthy way. Abdominoplasty is usually performed as an outpatient surgical procedure under general anesthesia, but an overnight stay may be recommended. During your preoperative consultation the amount of excess skin and fat to be removed will be determined by you and your surgeon. The incision is designed low on the abdomen, usually hidden in the “panty line,” but usually leaves a visible scar. The overall body contour and figure are greatly improved without the excessive bulges. Recovery usually takes from four to six weeks during which time the abdomen may feel tight, requiring loose clothing and guarded activity. I am having one of our coordinators send you an information packet which includes, among other things, our patient information book, The Image in the Mirror. If you would like any more information on this or other health related topics, call the McCollough Institute for Appearance and Health at 251-967-7600, email info@mccolloughinstitute.com or visit our website www.mccolloughplasticsurgery.com. If you would like to ask Dr. McCollough a question, please Contact Us.